Friday, February 25, 2011

LED Tail Lights Are A Safety Improvement

Everyone's has seen tail lights on a car that are so dim it's next to impossible to judge the distance between the one they're driving and the tail end of the next one.  Drivers have also experienced the need to constantly replace a tail light that goes out.

Improved Function Are Important When Considering Auto Parts

LED tail lights can help eliminate this problem.  The range from which they can be sighted from another vehicle is longer than most common tail lights already in place.  This can be a  great asset to a road safety issue with any vehicle.  If the car trailing behind can't adequately see when the first is going to stop, the possibility of a troublesome rear end collision increases.

Replace Them Less

LED tail lights are longer lasting and more durable.  They pay for themselves with the fact they don't need to be changed nearly as often as traditional tail lights do.  This is a great safety feature, as drivers don't have to worry about tail lights going out at inopportune times.  With the combined visibility and the lowered frequency of their needing to be changed, these are the wisest auto accessory to invest in when faced with replacing a tail lights that have gone bad.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

When Thinking Chrome Trim, Think DUB Accessories

Quality is something that can be seen.  We see it in clothes, in jewelry, we taste it in food, and we see it most especially in cars and trucks.  When looking to improve the looks of a vehicle, it's best to look to quality first. Whether it's quality rims and tires, or fancy decals and emblems, there are ample choices to search through.

Customize With A Dub License Plate Frame

Everyone wants their own personality to shine through in their truck and using DUB accessories such as a DUB license plate frame is just the way to do it. You can still have your original license plate on your truck and still show off your licenses plate frame. It’s just one way of adding a little DUB to your truck.

What About Grilles?

When it comes to auto parts and improvements, there's often no better place to start than with a better grille than what's already on the vehicle.  DUB auto accessories have a variety of grilles to fit any make or model of vehicle found on the road today.  Do some looking through the options and find the right fit for the vehicle in question.