Friday, February 18, 2011

RBP Truck Accessories For Beginners

Whether choosing to enhance a vehicle just for kicks, looks, or an upcoming event, there's no greater pleasure than watching a ride get improved.

A Good Place To Start

Choose a smaller project for starters. Tires are a great first spot, as they not only enhance the look of the ride, they are also important to keep in top form for safety reasons. RBP truck accessories aren't just limited to tires and rims though, steering wheels, exhaust pipes, mirrors, are just the tip of what can be improved. Auto parts aren't limited to the outside either. Look to upgrade the engine, but this isn't a starting off spot.

A Weekend Makeover

When there are many auto accessories being improved it's a great idea to invite a few friends over and spend some quality time with the garage and pals. Pick several medium projects or one big one to work on and welcome the advice from any experienced pals as they throw in facts about the latest game and newest engine part.  Have plenty of drinks and snacks on hand, plus choose a RBP truck accessory that can easily be replaced, and they'll be sure to come back the next time they're invited.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hitch Receiver Cover for a Vehicle

Available at

If you tow a vehicle such as a trailer or boat or ATV on a small trailer you will have to have some form of tow hitch on your towing vehicle. It doesn’t matter whether the towing vehicle is a car, a SUV or a truck or even a self drive motor home if you tow something behind you then you must have a tow hitch of some kind affixed to your vehicle that can handle the item being towed.
A Tow Hitch
Generally a tow hitch will be permanently attached to the rear of your vehicle. If so, you need a hitch receiver cover that you can purchase from an online auto parts store website. This cover is intended as a form of protection so your town hitch doesn’t get filled with debris.
The Cover
One of the many different types of auto accessories available is something called a hitch cover and this cover is either stuck into the hitch tube it self and it stays in place or it is attached with a pin or some form of hitch lock. These parts such as a hitch receiver cover are fairly inexpensive and readily available for sale on most vehicle parts websites.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Choosing a College Hitch Cover

If you are a guy or a gal really into college sports and you tow another vehicle like a SUV or boat or trailer then you might be interested in personalizing your tow hitch with a subject that is dear to your heart, your favorite college sports team. If you have a tow hitch attached to your tow vehicle then you probably should have some type of cover for it to protect it from moisture and the resulting rust.
Which Cover?
These hitch covers such as a college hitch cover are available from many different online auto parts websites which sell many different type of auto accessories such as various aftermarket parts and also decorative parts. You certainly can choose one of your favorite professional sports teams but why not go more personal and show your support for on of the collegiate teams that abound in the world of sports?
The Choice:
These auto parts such as the college hitch cover come in a variety of sizes and shapes and also configurations of the team name or logo. You can find them made from many different materials too. Since they are relatively inexpensive you can chose several and switch them out for the appropriate season.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pricing Replacement Side Mirrors

If you are in the market for an aftermarket mirror for a vehicle you have many different choices that you can get. If you have to replace a stock side mirror for a later model vehicle you may be looking at under ten bucks. If you are looking for a motorcycle side mirror then you may be looking at eight dollars and up. Any kind of trick side mirror will cost you more depending on what options it comes with.
Where to Look
Generally if you are going to get replacement side mirrors for a fairly common car or small truck you can go to a local auto parts store to find one. They will be under ten bucks and you can replace them yourself. You can also get them at an online store that stocks auto accessories.
Larger Vehicles
If you have a full sized truck then the replacement side mirrors may cost you some more money as they may be more elaborate than for a small size truck. Generally newer cars and full size trucks will have similar mirrors so the work of replacing them is fairly similar. If you have to replace the whole mirror you will have to take apart the door.