Wednesday, January 19, 2011

When Is It Time To Look Into Replacement Side Mirrors?

So you’re wondering—when should I buy replacement side mirrors? After all—it can’t be THAT big of a deal, correct? What you may not realize is that you actually have a few indicators that you should buy new mirrors. Here is a short list.

When Your Mirror Has Gone A-WALL

This is mainly self-explanatory, but let’s face it…if you don’t have a mirror, you should really check into replacement side mirrors. Or check the nearest telephone pole.

Your Mirror is Smiling At You

If your mirror is cracked in any way—especially if you are using the excuse that it’s just smiling at you, you really ought to get that checked out. There’s no way around it. This is when you need to make an urgent stop at the nearest auto accessories store or website and take a look around to find the right replacement side mirrors.

The Animals Are Laughing At You

When the small animals in your life are laughing at you because your side mirror just look that ridiculous, well, it’s really about time that you went and found a new mirror. Especially if that animal happens to be your much beloved cat.

All joking aside, it’s not safe to not have your side mirrors out of commission. It impedes your vision and can cause a serious incident. There are plenty of low cost replacement side mirrors—you just have to go get them.  

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Things That Indicate You DON’T Need Replacement Corner Lights

So you’re driving one night and bam! Your lights are looking a bit dim—very dim! In fact, your vision is impaired. Now, you’re probably thinking “great, I need replacement corner lights). However, there are a few scenarios in which you don’t need these parts and you can actually just keep going—after a quick stop, that is.

Scratch Removal Kit

Sometimes our lights get really scratched up—and we may think that means that we need replacment corner lights. This isn’t always so and as a matter of fact, you may find that in a lot of cases, you only have to use this removal kit in order to make your visibility return to what it once was or close. You can find it at most auto accessories stores.


If you’ve ever driven behind a coal truck, you know how yucky your windshield gets. As a matter of fact, chances are that you also have yucky lights. Make a quick stop to your local gas station, clean ‘em up and you’re good to go! No replacement corner lights required.


Lastly, before you decide that you need replacement corner lights and you have checked for scratches and things that could be clouding your headlights, you need to check your fuses and then the bulbs. Let’s face it—a fuse kit costs two to six dollars and is a lot easier to change than your lights. If none of these work or you have cracks or holes, then you need to find replacements.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Insight on Replacement Mirrors

As with most things in life, there are things that you need and things that you want. This also applies to cars. You may want a set of flashy new seat covers or floor mats, and that is fine as long as your car has everything you need first. One very important thing that you should always have on a car is a set of reliable mirrors. If you notice your mirrors are looking worn out and cracked, then it is time to look into replacement mirrors.
Good car mirrors are vital to your safety and the safety of the other drivers that you share the road with. When the time comes for replacement mirrors, make sure the job gets done the right way.
Things To Remember About Replacement Mirrors
Reliable replacement mirrors are a must for any car. It is an issue of safety. You absolutely need a good set of mirrors. Mirrors are one of the most important auto accessories on the car. Without them, you are blind to most of what is going on around your vehicle.
When you do get replacement mirrors, make sure they meet certain requirements to keep you safe. You should also make sure that whoever is putting your new mirrors on your car is trained, experienced, and qualified. Car mirrors are not something to joke about. They save lives.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bulbs for Replacement Tail Lights

Replacement tail lights may require different types of bulbs. Since tail lights have different color bulbs you will have to pay attention to the color of the bulb but will also need to know the socket type and the number of elements and also the bulbs resistance rating.
Buying Online
Generally when you go to an auto accessories parts store you can take the bulb with you and they can match up the correct replacement tail lights for you. If you are purchasing it online then you may have to refer to your vehicle instruction manual as to what type of replacement tail lights bulb you will need to order. Some websites have detailed pictures of the bulb so you can compare them before you buy one.
Replacing the Bulb
Replacement tail light bulbs are fairly easy to replace. You have to take out the assembly unit and most people can replace their own. You may have to open or remove access panels or even the trim panels. If the unit has screws you can see from the outside of the vehicle you will have to unscrew them first and twist or pull out the bulb depending on the socket and then replace the bulb.