Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Things That Indicate You DON’T Need Replacement Corner Lights

So you’re driving one night and bam! Your lights are looking a bit dim—very dim! In fact, your vision is impaired. Now, you’re probably thinking “great, I need replacement corner lights). However, there are a few scenarios in which you don’t need these parts and you can actually just keep going—after a quick stop, that is.

Scratch Removal Kit

Sometimes our lights get really scratched up—and we may think that means that we need replacment corner lights. This isn’t always so and as a matter of fact, you may find that in a lot of cases, you only have to use this removal kit in order to make your visibility return to what it once was or close. You can find it at most auto accessories stores.


If you’ve ever driven behind a coal truck, you know how yucky your windshield gets. As a matter of fact, chances are that you also have yucky lights. Make a quick stop to your local gas station, clean ‘em up and you’re good to go! No replacement corner lights required.


Lastly, before you decide that you need replacement corner lights and you have checked for scratches and things that could be clouding your headlights, you need to check your fuses and then the bulbs. Let’s face it—a fuse kit costs two to six dollars and is a lot easier to change than your lights. If none of these work or you have cracks or holes, then you need to find replacements.

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