Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pricing Replacement Side Mirrors

If you are in the market for an aftermarket mirror for a vehicle you have many different choices that you can get. If you have to replace a stock side mirror for a later model vehicle you may be looking at under ten bucks. If you are looking for a motorcycle side mirror then you may be looking at eight dollars and up. Any kind of trick side mirror will cost you more depending on what options it comes with.
Where to Look
Generally if you are going to get replacement side mirrors for a fairly common car or small truck you can go to a local auto parts store to find one. They will be under ten bucks and you can replace them yourself. You can also get them at an online store that stocks auto accessories.
Larger Vehicles
If you have a full sized truck then the replacement side mirrors may cost you some more money as they may be more elaborate than for a small size truck. Generally newer cars and full size trucks will have similar mirrors so the work of replacing them is fairly similar. If you have to replace the whole mirror you will have to take apart the door.

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