Saturday, February 12, 2011

What Type of Replacement Side Mirrors?

Just as there are different types of lights on a vehicle there are also different types of mirrors that may have to be replaced at some point in the life of your vehicle. Generally interior mirrors don’t have to replaced unless something damages it or you decide you want o customize your rig. But the mirrors that are located outside your vehicle may get damaged in any number of ways.
Exterior Mirror Damage
Generally you will know if the mirrors on the sides of your vehicle are damaged because they are cracked or simply missing from an accident. If they have been ripped off the vehicle you will definitely require replacement side mirrors. This can happen if you come too close to a wall or tree when parking or of course vandals sometimes like to target outside mirrors because they just stick out. An accident can also cause damage to these exterior mirrors.
Where to Get Parts
An auto parts store will carry aftermarket mirrors for most every common vehicle. An auto accessories online website will generally have many different replacement side mirrors available for purchase and of course you can get these parts from a local dealer but they will cost you more.

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